Why Hotels Don’T Have Floor 13: Unveiling the Superstition

Why Hotels Don’t Have Floor 13

Have you ever noticed that many hotels skip the 13th floor? It’s a curious phenomenon. Let’s find out why this happens.

History of the Number 13

The number 13 has a long history. Many people consider it unlucky. This belief goes back thousands of years.

In ancient times, people thought 13 was a bad number. This belief is known as triskaidekaphobia.

Religious Beliefs

Some religions also view 13 as unlucky. For example, in Christianity, Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the Last Supper. He betrayed Jesus, which led to bad events.

Folklore And Mythology

In many cultures, folklore and mythology have stories about the number 13. These stories often include bad luck or evil events.

Superstitions About the 13th Floor

Superstitions are beliefs based on fear or magic. Many people are superstitious about the 13th floor. They think something bad might happen if they stay there.

Fear Of The Unknown

People often fear what they don’t understand. This fear can make them avoid the number 13.

Hotels And Guest Comfort

Hotels want their guests to feel safe and happy. If guests are afraid of the 13th floor, they might not stay at the hotel. To avoid this, many hotels skip the 13th floor.

Why Hotels Don'T Have Floor 13: Unveiling the Superstition

Credit: www.travelandleisure.com

Practical Reasons for Skipping the 13th Floor

There are also practical reasons why hotels skip the 13th floor. These reasons include business decisions and building design.

Business Decisions

Hotels are businesses. They want to make money. If guests won’t stay on the 13th floor, the hotel loses money. Skipping the 13th floor can help prevent this.

Building Design

Skipping the 13th floor can make building design simpler. Architects and builders don’t have to worry about guests being afraid of that floor.

Examples of Hotels Without a 13th Floor

Many famous hotels skip the 13th floor. Here are a few examples:

  • Hilton Hotels
  • Marriott Hotels
  • Trump Hotels

What Happens to the “Missing” Floor?

When hotels skip the 13th floor, they often use the space for other purposes. Here are some common uses:

Use Description
Mechanical Equipment Space for heating, cooling, and electrical systems.
Storage Area to store supplies and equipment.
Staff Areas Rooms for staff to take breaks or change clothes.

Other Buildings That Skip the 13th Floor

It’s not just hotels that skip the 13th floor. Many other types of buildings do it too.

Office Buildings

Some office buildings don’t have a 13th floor. This helps keep employees and visitors comfortable.

Residential Buildings

Some apartment buildings skip the 13th floor too. This helps make tenants feel safer and happier.

Why Hotels Don'T Have Floor 13: Unveiling the Superstition

Credit: en.wikipedia.org

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Don’t Hotels Have A 13th Floor?

Many people consider the number 13 unlucky, so hotels skip the 13th floor to avoid guest discomfort.

Do All Hotels Skip The 13th Floor?

No, not all hotels skip it. It varies by location and hotel management.

What Superstition Is Linked To Number 13?

The number 13 is often associated with bad luck and misfortune in many cultures.

Is Skipping The 13th Floor Common Worldwide?

Yes, many hotels worldwide avoid the 13th floor due to widespread superstitions.


Many hotels skip the 13th floor. This is due to history, superstition, and practical reasons. By doing this, hotels help their guests feel more comfortable.

Next time you stay at a hotel, check if it has a 13th floor. Now you know why it might be missing!

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